On college campuses across the country there is a universal problem. Actually, it’s three problems that tend to be connected:

1. Under-age use and serious abuse of alcohol
2. Ditto for drug abuse
3. Unacceptable sexual behavior

It is a situation that is present in all areas of college life, but always gets the most attention when the abuser is a high profile athlete. Media exposure, community outrage and general interest in intercollegiate athletics make it seem as if this is an athletic department problem. Clearly this not the case.

This is a good news, bad news conversation. The wayward athlete gets too much attention—the bad news. The good news might be that since the athlete gets too much attention, let’s use that attention for good. They could take the lead in figuring out and implementing actions to have this problem disappear.

The majority of college students have little to no notoriety. Therefore, when they stray it goes un-noticed except for friends and family. This doesn’t hold true for athletes. They become news on ESPN.

What if athletes and athletic departments took a stand on behavioral excellence? What if they led the initiation of a “Code of Honor” that supports students in making the most of one of the best experiences in life … being a college student.

I don’t pretend to have the answer to all of this. I do know that miracles are created in a conversation between committed people. Anything is possible. It may not completely make incidences of abuse disappear, but high-profile athletes, coaches and administrators aligned on making an impact could make a real dent in the problem.

It is almost too late to wait until the students are in college. The conversation should probably be aimed at informing high school students of what will be expected of them in college. The expectations should be clear as well as any consequences.

I am aware there are complexities to this, but you either are willing to do something to take a leadership role, or continue to suffer the consequences.

So, what is the message that we want to deliver to the general public?