A Look At Leadership
A key to leadership is the transformation that occurs when we see old things in new ways. Linear thinking is toxic to creative thinking. It is figuring out and ordering one’s actions in the swirl [...]
Pay For Play? Part III
In this conversation about college athletes being paid I hope none of you are holding on to the illusion that college athletes are amateurs. Even if they don’t receive cash money, they are organized around [...]
Pay For Play? Part II
In my most recent blog post I talked about the movement by collegiate athletes to get paid for their services. I don’t know the right and wrong or the good and bad of this. However, [...]
Pay For Play?
In the world of intercollegiate athletics the current “hot conversation” is should the athletes receive compensation for their participation? It seems their $40,000 a year scholarships aren’t sufficient, so there is a lot of talk [...]
The Rich Get Richer
The Final Four is decided. The Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Conn, Univ. of Wisconsin and Univ. of Kentucky are in. With the exception of the Badgers, all the participants have won multiple NCAA titles. [...]
Boys Will Be Boys—Sorry Girls.
Since everything is created in language, what do you suppose boy/girl relationships are going to look at when this is the language used? Bitches, ho’s, whores, sluts, skanks, etc. Do you see any respect in [...]
I am often asked, “What is it I do?” The simple answer and an accurate one, is I coach performance. Are there different pieces to the performance puzzle? Absolutely. Mostly people have their eye on [...]
The May 10th issue of Sports Illustrated features an article titled, “Then There Were Four” by Chris Ballard. The story is about the actions Coach Mike Allen took with the basketball team at Gunderson High [...]
It was Academy Awards night this past Sunday. I love going to the movies. You can watch a ton of movies in the comfort of your home, but I like seeing them for the first [...]
Are We Nuts?
My morning sports section in the newspaper (yes, I still read the paper) did a recap of the winter Olympics in Sochi. One writer spoke of and listed “successes and failures.” There are no failures [...]
Problems And Solutions In The World Of Sports
Everywhere I look I see the “World of Sports” operating from “more is better.” Bigger is “boss.” Lavish is lovely. To be clear, I am not here to advocate the “good old days.” Every era [...]
Ups And Downs
One of the most frustrating things for coaches, business executives and leaders in all kinds of disciplines is the inconsistent performance of their teams. Of course, this also includes individuals on their team. The bookmakers [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports Part II
In a previous blog I proposed that the “world of sports” is divided into two different domains calling for different sets of actions. I propose that these two, college and professional, are collapsed into each [...]
The Ever-Changing World Of Sports
I know that, in general, human beings are resistant to change. It probably stems from wishing that “someday” we will have things figured out. You know, “no more problems.” Wouldn’t it be more useful to [...]
The Drugging Of America
I am definitely not writing here as an expert. I am saying what I am seeing and trusting the primary sources for my opinion; my right eye and my left eye. There are a couple [...]
The Power Of Transformation
Let's talk about the power of transformation. For 30 years I have done all I could do to provide a transformational experience for coaches, athletes, executives and their employees. It has been rewarding work and [...]
The Luck Of Good Luck (And Bad)
I hear people say all the time that they don’t believe in luck. If you think this, give me a break. I also know you don’t play golf. Once that ball leaves your club face [...]
Football Bowl Games – “Bowling” For Dollars
We are nearing the end of the “Bowling for Dollars” season. What am I referring to has nothing to do with pins, alleys, strikes or spares. It is about a plethora of college football bowl [...]