As I watched the U.S. Open golf tournament unfold on Saturday I felt fortunate to be able to revisit the beauty of Pebble Beach golf course and the Monterey Peninsula as seen through the eyes of NBCs cameras.  On the course Tiger Woods was closing the gap on the leaders as he hasnt done for awhile.

At the end of his round on the 17th hole Tigers second shot was blocked by an inconvenient tree such that the  probability of reaching the green on this par 5 in two from 260 yds. was problematic, at best.  But , of course, he asked for his three wood and proceeded to rip one around the tree and on the green.  You know, the stuff golfing legends are made of.

Great stuff but it was after that I was fortunate for a second time.  Walking up to the green, Tiger received a standing ovation.  At that moment an NBC cameramans head on shot of Tigers face gave me a gift  What I saw was Tiger got, maybe for the first time, FORGIVENESS.

Before you jump down my throat, I am no saying anything about the crowds intentions.  They were on their feet cheering loudly.  I do know that.

To be able to accept forgiveness one must be able to forgive oneself.  It is only my opinion but I think Tiger got that he could forgive himself.

Lets be clear about a couple of things.  One, forgiveness does not mean œforget.  Two, if you forgive someone doesnt mean you condone the actions that put the person in disfavor with you.

Forgiveness is a choice.  The choice to no longer have what happened be an issue.  It is œgiving as before.  Love, respect admiration, etc., etc. now has the opportunity to be restored.  Whatever you took away when the disruption occurred is available.

You see, whatever you cant forgive is a thorn in your side, a reduction in the freedom to be yourself.  It is a grain of sand in the workings of your Omega watch.

It is Fathers Day today.  Is there ;anything you have been holding on to that you need to forgive your Dad for? He is part of you. He wasnt/isnt perfect.  You bet.  Are you?  If you have children, do you think you are the perfect parent?  And, heres the rub.  You sometimes wont even know what you did to lose favor with your kids, if that should happen.

I dont know what will happen in the U.S. Open today.  That will be well-documented forever in golf lore.  No one will pay any attention to your issues, if you have any.

Take a load off.  Forgive whomever you have to forgive for whatever you have to forgive them for.  Most of all, forgive yourself for not being perfect.  Take responsibility for any repairs that need to be made and make them.

Happy Fathers Day!!  You, too, Tiger!!!