How do we get full engagement from people on our teams, in our projects and in our lives? What determines the quality of their performance? What has us able to be consistent with any group given the divergent points of view we are working with?
I am not thinking about agreement … too limiting and always a threat to creativity. Teams have rules. Organizations have policies and procedures. Families have basic ground rules … or not. I would certainly suggest that they do.
Coaches are always concerned with operating as a team and doing so at 100% effort in all areas. Since rarely do even two people see things exactly the same, no wonder coaches are always concerned. “Houston, we have a problem!”
The response to my question is simple. What has us do what we do is called “self-interest?” Human beings are selfish. It is built into the machinery, so that we pay attention enough to our environment to survive. However, operating just to survive is a very low level of existence. It is devoid of satisfaction, accomplishment, joy, love, etc. Since there isn’t much if anything we can do by ourselves, yet we have many different self-interests on any team, what can we do?
As a leader and knowing about self-interest then what? I strongly suggest you demonstrate in your words and actions the rewards in accomplishing something together. And, I don’t mean winning. Of course we love winning. It’s the frosting on the cake, not the cake.
Mother Teresa did so much good for people in spite of many personal trials. She discovered the joy in working with thousands of people to make the difference she did with all those less fortunate. She led through a powerful self-interest that inspired others to do the same.
Coaches/leaders, when your self-interest is each and every player on your team, they will have a powerful self-interest in each other. Remember they are a mirror image of you.
Get your copy of Coach Todd’s book for coaches, “The Art of Losing, Coaching and Thriving in a Made-for-TV World” at
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