
Taking Action

You have undoubtedly heard someone say that the only thing that actually makes a difference in our lives is the action that we take. Thinking only makes a difference when we turn the thought into an action. Sounds simple, huh? If it is so simple why is it so extremely difficult at times? First of [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:37+00:00May 26th, 2015|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

Can Tiger Roar Again?

Revered by many, hated by some is the lot of heroes. Tiger Woods is a hero in the game of golf and will be forever. He literally has changed the face of golf. Back in the day, professional golf was the domain of a bunch of white guys. From Bobby Jones to Byron Nelson, Sam [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:37+00:00April 13th, 2015|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

Cultural Chaos

Our world is in what I would call “Cultural Chaos.” Whatever happened to “live and let live” or perhaps more accurately “be and let be?” I have been a keen observer of human behavior and the struggles involved since I was six years old. I have no scientific data or empirical proof my viewpoint. I [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:40+00:00March 19th, 2015|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

It's Harder Than We Think

Just came from a movie called, “The Butler.” it is a story about a man who grew up during the fight for equality for the Negro race in this country. He did so from an unusual view of the proceedings. He did so from a view inside the White House as a butler for several [...]

By |2013-08-25T18:39:12+00:00August 25th, 2013|Coach's Blog|0 Comments


You have heard many times in your life that human beings are “creatures of habit.” That is probably about as far as you have taken it. I think sometimes it is code for “I don’t want to change, so don’t ask.” We are many times more attracted to thoughts and conversations about “bad” habits. Also, [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:47+00:00June 29th, 2012|Coach's Blog|0 Comments


One thing I am continually noticing as I work through my daily routine, is a concern about the long-term effect of living in a techno-world. I know technology is here to stay, including all future iterations. I also know that there isnt anyone who knows how it will effect the human beings on this planet. [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:47+00:00April 13th, 2012|Coach's Blog|0 Comments


Television advertising, print media and in peoples conversations, the word transformation appears on a regular basis. It is œHe or she was transformed, My life was transformed, œMy body was transformed, etc., etc. I fear that a word used in conversation 25 years ago that was considered weird or strange or cultish is being transformed [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:49+00:00March 5th, 2012|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

How Long Can You Go?

I have been engaged in the world of coaching for a very long time and have been able to see that coaches have become more aware of the impact that they can have on their athletes.  I see it, also, with leaders in the business world. I think that leaders fundamentally care about the people [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:53+00:00November 22nd, 2010|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

Golf in Your Kingdom

One of the activities that the busy executive or coach will be seeking during this holiday season is the opportunity to get on the golf course. Some will have to travel to do it, given the weather. Living here on the œleft coast, as my New York friends would say, weather has never really been [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:58+00:00December 23rd, 2009|Coach's Blog|1 Comment
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