

Sports Illustrated has a site for people to give their opinion about who is the most over-rated in this year’s NFL draft. My question is “Who gives a flying_____?” It’s a bunch of people tweeting who never had the talent to get drafted in anything except, maybe, the Army. My basic comment would be, “Get [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:43+00:00May 13th, 2014|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

The Calamity In Colleges

On college campuses across the country there is a universal problem. Actually, it’s three problems that tend to be connected: 1. Under-age use and serious abuse of alcohol 2. Ditto for drug abuse 3. Unacceptable sexual behavior It is a situation that is present in all areas of college life, but always gets the most [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:44+00:00December 15th, 2013|Coach's Blog|0 Comments
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