

For over 40 years I have been a member of the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC). And, as a member I have regularly attended its national convention. This event is always held at the site of the Final Four. Back in the day, the site for this event was rotated from an East Coast [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:49+00:00March 30th, 2012|Coach's Blog|0 Comments


I am sure anyone reading this has had at least one teacher, mentor or master that has had a powerful influence on his or her life. Often times that person has been a coach. I have been fortunate to have several over the years. So what has us put the title of œgreat on anyone? [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:49+00:00March 12th, 2012|Coach's Blog|0 Comments


Losing coaches have shed tears over the years about not having any leaders on the court, field or in the locker room. Consider for a moment, that a lot of the shortage is due to the fact that there is a model that the so-called œnatural-born leader fits that eliminates most of the population. Having [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:49+00:00February 24th, 2012|Coach's Blog|0 Comments


I dont get it. We have one country and multitude of opinions as to what to do with it. We lead the world in finger-pointing. We act like we dont need each other. We complain about the œway it is." We are all responsible for everything that is going on. Yes, even the independents who [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:50+00:00February 14th, 2012|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

How Long Can You Go?

I have been engaged in the world of coaching for a very long time and have been able to see that coaches have become more aware of the impact that they can have on their athletes.  I see it, also, with leaders in the business world. I think that leaders fundamentally care about the people [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:53+00:00November 22nd, 2010|Coach's Blog|0 Comments


It seems to me that, over the years, come November, I have cast more votes to cancel someone elses vote than I have to support a candidate of my choosing.  In other words, I knew who I didnt want more than who I thought was the best person for the job.   The exception was [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:53+00:00November 3rd, 2010|Coach's Blog|2 Comments


œGet what, you are asking.  My answer is this.  Are we ever going to get that we are killing ourselves on a regular basis?  Coaches may be guiltier of this than any other group of folks on the planet.  If not the planet, in this country. Every week I read about someone who had a [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:54+00:00October 14th, 2010|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

A World of Either/Or

With only a few exceptions, every high school, college and professional football team played this weekend.  And, wonder of all wonders, 50% of them lost. This is, of course, something that everyone knows  In any competition, there will be a declared winner which makes everyone else involved losers.  Are all  of those who didnt win [...]

By |2010-09-23T09:09:54+00:00September 23rd, 2010|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

What's the purpose?

My primary operating principle is that œRelationship is the Key to Everything.  If this is true, the  what is it we are doing or not doing that keeps us very average in playing the relationship game? Be clear, I am not just talking about romantic relationships, although they are certainly included.  I am talking about [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:57+00:00May 18th, 2010|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

In the Practice of Life

In the bible it says, œHe who is without sin, cast the first stone.  In my view, there is too much moral judgment in the œsin part.  I am not much interested in questioning someones beliefs.  That is personal to them and who am I to question? I think, in practice, we might want to [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:58+00:00October 5th, 2009|Coach's Blog|0 Comments
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