youth sports


The May 10th issue of Sports Illustrated features an article titled, “Then There Were Four” by Chris Ballard. The story is about the actions Coach Mike Allen took with the basketball team at Gunderson High School (San Jose, CA). If you have seen the old movie Mr. Carter that starred Samuel L. Jackson you have [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:44+00:00March 9th, 2014|Coach's Blog|0 Comments

It's That Time

Youngsters all over the world (yes, I said world) are breaking out bats, balls and gloves for the youth baseball season.  Whether its for T-ball, Little League,  Pony League or Bobby Soxers you will be hearing the sound of bat on ball and the œHey batter, batter chant from countless young voices. Baseball and its [...]

By |2017-12-23T21:45:57+00:00April 16th, 2010|Coach's Blog|0 Comments
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